Monday, May 31, 2010

How to change your Mac's Computer Name

I just went and picked up my new Mac, which was kindly replaced by my insurance company after water damage. I used to have a MacBook Air, but after experiencing the lagging performance of the Air when ever I tried to use intense apps such as Lightroom etc... , I decided to get something with a little more grunt.

Happy to say that the Air is actually more expensive than some of the other MacBooks, this is because of the portability factor with the Air. So, since the insurance company offered a replacement at a particular price, the macbook pro that I purchased came about the same price (I had to pay an extra $50).

While I was getting he computer registered on my home network, I noticed that the Mac defaults its' name to a long string of text. So I hunted around to change the name, and surprisingly it was in the spot that I would not have thought to look at:

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Select Sharing
  3. Update your name 
  4. Close the window



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