Friday, October 12, 2012

JqueryUI 1.9.0

Whoa JqueryUI 1.9.0 is out... What a great effort by the team to release the JqueryUI 1.9.0, unfortunately this release has fealt like it has taken a long time to be released. 

Some of the key changes are: 

  • Spinner Widget : While there has been a number of Spinner Widgets that have been available for a while with Jquery via separate plugins, this is coming directly from the jquery team. This is one control/widget that I have had my eyes on for a while, mainly because of the standard functionality that it provides. The demos are available here.
  • Menu Widget: This essentially adds a drop down style control. Not much to write about this widget, I'm not sure that I would end up using this widget. 
  • ToolTip Widget: Another nice addition to the toolset for JqueryUI. However, the current set of functionality is limited in certain areas, especially custom content, when compared to existing plugins that have already been available. 
  • As well as API redesign for the Accordion, and Tabs widgets. 
The key control that I have been wanting with 1.9 has been the Spinner Control/Widget, and I've been waiting and holding my breadth for a long time for this release. 

The next control/widget that I'm waiting on is the grid control/widget, unfortunately this doesn't look like it will be available till v2 or 2.1 based on the roadMap. There are a still a number of grid controls available via thirdparty developers. 

Along with v1.9.0, the site design/layout has been updated. However, is still in the existing format and the plugin page is still under-development and you need to use to get to it. 


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