Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Private Internet Access (PIA) client on Ubuntu

One of my VPN services that I regularly use is Private Internet Access. I've use it on a number of devices time to time, and I recently updated one of my laptops to Ubuntu 17.x only to find that the PIA client would freeze during connection.

After digging through a number of forums, I ran into an obscure comment where someone had a similar problem (not specifically freezing, but that it just didn't work).

The comment said that they didn't have ifconfig installed. I ran out of ideas, and thought why not give it a try. So I fired up my terminal and punched in ifconfig to see the results.

Sure enough I was told that ifconfig did not exist.

So the next step was to try and install it, I punched in

sudo apt install net-tools

Once it installed 194Kb, I tried PIA again.. and SUCCESS! it worked.

Just wished that this was mentioned in the PIA help documents.


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