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A simple blog about all things in the world that is ridikulouse.

Technological steps, are man kinds greatest achievements

Not a Fighter, but a lover of Tech.

Love of the internet

The Internet is the final frontier for open connected networks, it promotes speech and advances knowledge for any mere person. The internet is fast becoming a need rather a want, and it is recognised by the UN as a necessity for the modern person.


Photography is more than just Art and expression, it is the manipulation of the light and provokes emotion and memories.

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The articles on this blog represent my thoughts and views at the time of writing, I can always change my views through further education...please don't hold me against my views. Some of the articles have been written to assist anyone else with similar issues - it also helps me to remember. Hope you get something out of this.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Intellisense in Razor View - Visual Studio 2013

Intellisense in VisualStudio is a god's gift to developers, its one of the things that make Visual Studio unbeatable for development. But on occasions Intellisense stops working for some reason, and I find that this normally happens while editing a view in an MVC application.

I tried a number of things, from building the project, to deleting the bin folder and re-doing the webconfig file, right through to re-creating the project again. That's how much it annoys me when Intellisense stops working.

I recently realized that this occurs when I edit the model backing the view. So when I'm editing the view and think that this would be better as a method in the model as opposed to doing calculations or think I actually need a another piece of data in the view, if I have the model available I quickly do an edit and then go back to the View and BAM! N.O M.O.R.E I.N.T.E.L.L.I.S.E.N.S.E.

So I closed the View, and then re-opened the view and there it was again - Intellisense was back again. I tried a couple of tests around this and this seems to be working.

So if you run in to a similar issue, before going through all of the work of re-creating the project try simple task of closing the View and re-opening it. It will save you a tonne of heartache and frustration.

Hope you find this helpful.